


Project Management Professional (PMP)®

Project Manager shoulders important duties, such as resources allocation, inter-departmental communication and integration, supervision and review. The project manager’s capability undoubtedly determines a corporation’s competitiveness. Nowadays, there are over 1,465,000 PMP® holders in charged of various projects in more than 200 countries. Accredited by Project Management Institute (PMI)®, PMP® is, for sure, the project management credential with the greatest international recognition among all. This seminar will demonstrate what PMP® is all about and how you and your organization can benefit from it.


– What is a Project / Program?
– Why need project management?
– What are the benefits for you & your colleagues to know project management?
– How to make full use of project management as an individual or as a team?


Language: Cantonese

Date: 7/8/2024 (Wed)

Time: 19:30 – 21:30

Venue: Webinar

Enquiry: (852) 3556 6000

PMI, PMP, Project Management Professional (PMP), PMI-ACP, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (ACP), PMBOK and the PMI Registered Education Provider logo are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.



ESG(環境保護、社會責任和企業管治)可持續發展是近年炙手可熱的話題,更與項目管理息息相關,所有可持續發展推進皆建基於項目管理(Project Management)。踏入2024年,想提升個人競爭力升職轉職,考取Project Management Professional (PMP®) 是你的進修不二之選。


為什麼PMP®對職場同樣重要 ?

PMP® 是什麼?

Project Management Professional (PMP)®是Project
–    業界最權威的專業資格
–    全球逾200國家認可
–    全球逾146萬專業人士考取


考取PMP® 後,事業有更好出路?

–    PMP® 持有人士年薪高出非持有人20%
–    不少公司在招聘時,會列明具備PMP® 為考慮因素。除此之外,在承包政府部門或大型企業的外判服務時,合約上均要求具備PMP®的人士參予
–    掌握節省成本及控制Project時間的技巧,確定專業身份,可促進職位晉升



–    項目管理訓練(包括課堂練習、課後練習、備試試前工作坊,及模擬考試)。訓練時數高出Project Management Institute(PMI)® 的訓練要求。
–    免費重溫課堂錄影
–    Informatics擁有全球學生網絡,緊貼PMP®試題庫大綱
–    考試“1 Take Pass”,免費重讀保證
–    由曾從事不同行業和跨國企業,擁豐富國際Project Management經驗的導師任教
–    21年教學經驗,培育逾9900學員,逾245班

如果你想 :
–    成為一個Qualified Project Manager
–    高效管理一個 Project
–    以最短時間取得PMP®專業資格

項目管理 專業資格  免費模擬課堂
日期: 2024年8月7日 (星期三)
時間: 19:30 – 21:30
地點: Webinar

查詢電話: 3556 6000


Authorized Training Partner of PMI®